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Use of partially active antiparasitic drugs eg, nitazoxanide or paromomycin combined with azithromycin should be considered along with initiating antiretroviral therapy. Symptomatic therapy includes replacement of fluids, provision of appropriate nutrition, and treatment with antimotility agents.

Replacement of fluids and electrolytes is the critically important first crypto attorney near me in the management of cryptosporidiosis, particularly in patients with large diarrheal losses. Fluids should include sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and glucose. The results indicate that nitaxozanide reduces the load of parasites and may be useful in immunocompetent individuals.

Due to the seriousness of the potential outcomes of cryptosporidiosis, the use of nitaxozanide continue reading be considered in immunocompromised patients. The absence of effective therapy highlights the need to ensure that infection is crypto attorney near me. Among these immunocompromised persons without the option of an effective treatment for the underlying disease, supportive management, including rehydration therapy, electrolyte replacement, and anti-motility agents will remain the click here alternatives for care until better drugs emerge.

Curr Trop Med Rep. October HIV Newsline.

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