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The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may not get back the amount you invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions. Binance is not responsible for tellor crypto price prediction losses you may incur. For more information, please refer to our Predictino of Use and Risk Warning. Please also note that data relating to the above-mentioned cryptocurrency tellor crypto price prediction here such as its current live price are based on third party sources.

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Gifts received on special occasions, through inheritance or will, marriage, or in contemplation of death, are also tellor crypto price prediction from You can use ClearTax's Crypto Tax feature to tellor crypto price prediction taxes on cryptocurrencies received as gifts.

As per Section BBH, any losses incurred in crypto cannot be offset against any income, including gains from cryptocurrency. So, a crypto investor cannot off set previous year predictoin from pirce crypto asset while filing ITR this year.

Moreover, Indian investors in cryptocurrency are not permitted to claim expenses related to their crypto activities, except for the acquisition tellor crypto price prediction or purchase cost. Eg, Mr. X has purchased Rs 60, worth of Bitcoins and later, sold it for Rs 80, He also bought Ethereum worth Rs 40, and sold them prrice Rs 30, Predictino exchange charged a trading fee of Rs 1, The tax on both these transactions shall be computed as under:.

Here, Rs 10, loss is not allowed to be offset against the gains of Rs 20, Also, the trading fee of Rs 1, is not allowed as a deduction.

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While we endeavor to provide the most current and accurate information on our website, there may, occasionally, be discrepancies, especially as we transition to new labeling, between the website and the actual label on the package you purchase.