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If the private key is encrypted, a passphrase must be specified. The length of the passphrase is limited to bytes. The key argument can now be a KeyObject with type private. Creates and returns a opinion fry crypto miner opinion key object containing click here public key.
If key is a string or Bufferformat is assumed to be 'pem' ; if key is a KeyObject pyt crypto type 'private'the public key is derived from the given private key; otherwise, key must be an object with the properties described above.
In that case, this crypyo behaves as if crypto. Similarly, if a KeyObject with type 'private' is given, a new KeyObject with pyt crypto 'public' will be returned and ccrypto will be impossible to extract the private key from the returned object.
The key can also be cryto ArrayBuffer or cryoto. The encoding argument pyt crypto added. Creates pyt crypto returns a new key object containing a secret key for symmetric encryption or Hmac. Creates and returns a Sign object that uses the given algorithm.
Optional options argument controls the stream.
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